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April 4, 2010

Things I've shot...

A couple of other pictures from the park... (I went again today). :P


Cardinal...This guy was hard to shoot he was so high up!


  1. I am really big into photography. I have the Nikon D80 at the momment and quite a few lenses. With all the DSLRS coming out, looks like non video cameras will be obsolete :(.

    I love these pictures, are any of these your dog? I have a little cocker spaniel and golden retriever mix. She is so tiny; looks like a permanent golden retriever puppy with droopier ears. Her name is Lexi.

    Did you have a happy Easter? I was not able to get the Turducken :(. I made a crock pot roast beef with sauté mushrooms and onions, zucchini fries and roast potatoes. It was very good, I did have a cheesecake for dessert, BUT it is Easter, and there are always exceptions :)

    It has been SUCH GOOD weather lately I love it. So I totally understand the want to relax. But now we can go on walks and bike rides as extra exercise! I LOVE SUMMER, and it is rare to be having 25 degree days this early on. Scary thought at the same time as a happy thought.

    Chat soon workout Buddy!

  2. Your Easter meal sounds SOOO good! (Even better than a turducken, if I may say so.) :) You can always do a turducken at a different date. If we are in the same city, I can recommend a good butcher.

    The D80 is a great camera from what I hear. I am just starting to learn about cameras/DSLRs. I use a Canon Rebel XS and we recently picked up a zoom lens for it so I have been messing about with it. I really need to sit down and learn about cameras though - I am barely scratching the surface when it comes to its potential.

    Your doggy sounds cute! You should post pictures of her! (Maybe pictures of her doing the downward dog?) :) Unfortunately, we don't have a dog. This is part indecision and part (I think, anyway) commitment issues. I have wanted a dog forever, but I can't pick one. And like children, I find there are always good reasons NOT to have one... (A few of my profs have worked to convince me that getting a dog while doing a PhD is a very bad plan.)

    Easter weekend was unbelievably nice, weather wise. We will probably break out the rollerblades soon and go enjoy the waterfront. I don't do much biking in the city (it's awesome that you guys do!) but I can't wait to start skating again. :)


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