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March 31, 2010

Fitness: Day 8 ( Turbo Fat Blaster Workout Routine)

I am dripping with sweat as I write not cool for my keyboard. LOL

Sometimes I find the hardest part about these workouts is choosing which one to do for the day. Some days I need a little more convincing than others, so I often go for "easier" looking workouts. Today I was feeling particularly lazy which required more convincing than usual. As I mentioned before, Tuesdays are one of my longest days in the week and getting up the motivation to workout (especially when I could easily put it off in lieu of homework) often takes effort. I pushed through though!

For today's challenge I opted to tackle Zuzana's take on Tania's "Turbo Fat Blaster". It takes a lot to make me sweat as I'm pretty cold most of the time, so when I say this workout made me sweat I'm not kidding around. :)

This workout consists of the following:
1. Plie Jump Squats – 30 reps
2. Tapping Push Ups – 26 reps
3. Deep Walking Lunges – 30 reps
4. V-ups – 25 reps
5. Get Ups and High Knees – 30 reps
6. Leg Lifts – 25 reps
7. Mountain Climbers – 60 reps
8. Tricep Dips – 25 reps
9. Skaters Jump Lunges – 30 reps
10. Knee Assisted One Arm Push Ups – 26 reps

I got through the entire routine in 19:51 (though I lost a bit of time when I had to look up one or two exercises).

While performing this routine I made the following modifications:
2. Tapping Push Ups (8 regular pushups, the remainder on my knees)
5. Get Ups and High Knees (these were exhausting! so I split them and did 15 at part 5 and 15 after I had completed everything else.
6. Leg Lifts (8 regular, the remainder with knees bent)
8. Tricep Dips (I did 20)

I am hoping tomorrow will be a "sore" day. I love the way a good workout makes me ache. :)

My bf has finally started doing some of these routines with me. He's convinced he needs time to work up to Zuzana's program so he doesn't do them every day. I have to admit though that a better workout partner has been my blogging buddy, Green Eyed Girl. She's a very pleasant motivator and doesn't wuss out like my bf. :) (I'm kidding bf...I'm proud of you too!)

1 comment:

  1. You are a great blogger workout buddy too!!!

    I am going to try this workout tonight!!


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