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March 30, 2010

Fitness: Day 7 ( Bootylicious Workout Routine)

I've just finished this routine and I'm pretty tired so my write up today will be short and sweet. (I was tired before I worked out so it's little surprise to find I'm tired now.) While this workout isn't cardio intense it does work your legs something fierce.

Today's workout consists of the following:*

3 rounds of the following routine.

1. Dive Bomber Push Ups 5 reps
2. Pull Ups 5 slow reps
3. Interval training: 6 rounds of two 20 second intervals (4 minutes total). 
  • first 20 second interval – Squats 
  • second 20 second interval – Air Chair
You will be going back and forth between these two exercises until the 4 minutes are up. 20 seconds of Squats followed directly by 20 seconds of Air Chair exercise. 

I have really, really weak arms so Pull Ups weren't happening. I considered substituting this exercise for a series of pushups but decided to do leg lifts (reverse crunches?) off the bar instead. (For reference I hauled my butt down to the gym in my condo and tried out the new equipment. I hate working out in public places for fear of looking like a clown but my bf is in the process of convincing me that I don't need to buy equipment when there's perfectly good equipment downstairs.)

I really enjoyed this workout. It was very challenging but I got a lot out of it. I was a little surprised (and admittedly somewhat sad) that I wasn't ridiculously sore when I woke up this morning. Normally two days after a workout I'm in pain and I figured after the weekend's 600 rep madness I'd be aching all over. But there was nothing. (Well, next to nothing.) And then I realized... I crave that bit of pain these days. :P I am pretty sure that I'll be feeling this tomorrow. And Wednesday. And Thursday. :P

Some personal notes:
  • work on form for Dive Bomber pushups
  • stabilize lower body better during leg lifts/reverse crunches
*description taken from the website.

1 comment:

  1. The interval part of this workout was the hardest for me...really works your legs.

    I found that I am not as sore as I was in the beginning too. It was wierd, because I found this with the first time I did this challenge. Then I had a break from it, and after the first workout (which I had done before with no day after pain) I was SORE! So maybe our muscles are just getting stronger? Or used to it? But I know what you mean, pain is a sign of hard work!

    The one I did today, is my favourite one so far I think. I am not sure why, but I really enjoy it.

    How is the clean eating coming along? Anything new you have tried lately?
    Have you tried using a chair to help you with the pull up bar.

    I know going down to the gym is a pain!! Is it busy? I always find condo gyms better than membership gyms, as not as many people use it.


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